For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whosoever shall believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Monday, June 14, 2010


Kenleigh came into the living room the other night and had a cookies and cream Hershey kiss.  I immediately asked her where she got it from, knowing that it was up on the bar where she could not reach.  She quickly answered me that she had went and got her stool.  A few days later she asked if she could have some chocolate.  We have been having some major tummy issues and so I always promise her if she poops in the potty she can have a piece of chocolate.  I guess maybe it is my fault she has turned into such a chocoholic!!  Anyways, thanks to PediaLax Fiber-Gummies I think we have resolved that issue!!  Praise the Lord.  So back, to the question she had asked me about could she have a piece of chocolate.  I told her no, we had to eat lunch first.  She then asked me to go to the living room so she could get a piece of chocolate.  I literally laughed out lot!!  I thought she is something else.  She has got it all figured out.  She thinks if I go to another room where I can't see her, then she can get her candy.  She is just like her daddy.  That sounds like something mischievous he would do. 



  1. This is hilarious! What cute pics!

  2. Lol! So hilarious! She is such a cutie. That is totally something my girls would do. We are big chocoholics over here too!

  3. too cute! loved the pictures and the smile on her face; I think I would do the same thing if I wanted a piece of chocolate!


  4. That little stinker! I like her way of thinking!

  5. Too funny! I can't blame her! I'd want my chocolate too...LOL!

  6. Congrats You WON!! Come see!

  7. Ha! She sounds like my daughter. Of course, she gets it honest because I LOVE chocolate!!!


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