For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whosoever shall believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Cause

My father-in-law was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in the summer of 2008. We had no idea what type of cancer this was. We have all learned a lot about this type of blood cancer and my mother-in-law has had to basically become a nurse through all of this and she has done a wonderful job. They had to move to Little Rock that summer while he was undergoing treatments. He has been through cancer treatments and 2 stem cell transplants and our best Christmas gift in 2009 was they told us that he was in "FULL REMISSION." PRAISE GOD!! He is still undergoing treatments but it is maintenance chemo and will continue to do this for a couple of years. We just thank God for seeing us all through this time. He started out having trouble with his vision and went to the eye doctor and found out he was anemic and the tests just went from there. He was lucky to have found it as early as he did. You can always looks around and see someone worse off than you. He has a lot to be thankful for: God, his family, his church family and the fact that it was caught early and UAMS was able to have him in remission within 6 months time.


  1. thanking the Lord your FIL is doing so good fighting this cancer; glad to hear he is full remission indeed!


  2. Great story! So glad he is doing well!

  3. So glad to hear that he is doing good! What a blessing!


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