For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whosoever shall believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No Mommy............No Potty??

potty chair Pictures, Images and Photos
My almost 3-year-old daughter has some major issues.....if I am not with her she refuses to go potty.  Yes, you heard me right.  She is just like her daddy used to be when he was a kid.  She will hold it in all day until I get there to get her.  I am afraid her bladder is going to bust!!  She "normally" stays with my in-laws, but she has had to stay with my husband's aunt a few times and she went all day without going to the bathroom.  Today she stayed with my father-in-law because my mother-in-law was at the hospital with her mother.  Luckily she was only with him for half a day.  The minute I got there, I immediately took her to the bathroom and she had a full bladder.  This concerns me because she is going to start to preschool in the fall and unless I get a job at the preschool, what in the world am I going to do???  Should I go pick her up 2-3 times a day and take her to go potty??  Maybe she is just really, really modest??  She is just like her daddy.  I posted about us having trouble with potty training.  Well now we have that down, but she is going to hold it if I am not there!!!  Everybody has issues I guess, I know I do, but that is for another post.  HA!!  What are your issues or somebody else in the family if you don't want to let yours out for blogland to read? 



  1. Awww...I hope she starts going regularly! I love your new header picture!

  2. I really dread trying to potty train...

  3. I have a friend who's daughter was the same way. She wouldn't go unless her mom was with her. I babysat her, and it was heartbreaking, because I could see that she had to go. I would be as kind as possible, coax her, bribe her, let her talk to her mom on the phone, everything. As soon as her mom came in the door, they headed for the bathroom. She had lots of yeast infections. Has your daughter had any? I'll ask my friend what she ended up doing. Her daughter is 9 now, and this was about 3-4 years ago. It was definitely a separation anxiety thing. Good luck, I will pray for her!

  4. I have a freakish issue of checking and rechecking locks on doors and windows. Makes me nuts. I even do it a friends houses! I'm a nut =)

  5. Oh my...I have never heard of that. I am sure it is just a phase and soon she will learn to go when she has to go even if that is before Mommy gets back.

  6. I hold mine too but it's because I have an issue using public restrooms....they are NASTY! It can certainly be painful and I know it breaks your heart to know she's holding it. Maybe contact her pediatrician and see if they can give you advice.

  7. Maybe it's just a short phase and she will soon warm up to the idea of going without you. *fingers crossed*


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